During your breast augmentation consultation, we will discuss an overview of what you can expect through your recovery. Aside from instructions you receive at the hospital and your follow-up appointments, a majority of your care after breast augmentation will be completed at home while you recover. This is a simple process, but there are some things you need to remember about caring for yourself through breast augmentation recovery.
Immediately After Your Breast Augmentation
After your breast augmentation surgery, gauze bandages will be places over your incisions. This bandage can be held in place by a surgical bra, which will support your breasts as they heal. In addition to these bandages, you may have drains in place to drain fluid from the surgical site. This helps to reduce swelling and chances of complications. Before you leave the hospital, a nurse or will explain how to care for your drains. You will also be given a prescription for pain medication and antibiotics if necessary.
With someone to drive you home, you can place a small pillow or towel between your breasts and the seatbelt so you are more comfortable. This also prevents any scrapes, as the skin of your breasts will be delicate after surgery.
At-Home Recovery After Breast Augmentation
When you return home from your surgery, you should prioritize rest as much as possible. Replace bandages at least once a day and take your medications as directed. It’s best to get up and walk around every hour or so to avoid blood clots after your surgery, but do not lift any heavy objects until I have cleared you for exercise. This is usually about 4-6 weeks into the healing process.
Wait about 48 hours before showering after your breast augmentation. When you are ready to shower, follow any instructions you have received from your nurse or myself regarding caring for your drains and incision sites. Avoid baths, swimming, or hot tubs for at least six weeks.
Through the first six weeks of your recovery process, it’s best to wear a soft yet supportive bra at all times, even while sleeping. Avoid wearing underwire bras until at least a month after your surgery.
When to Call Me
I will check on your sutures, incisions, and overall healing progress through follow-up appointments. However, there are some signs that you should look out for after your breast augmentation that can be signs of complication such as an infection. You should call me as soon as possible if you have the following symptoms:
- Increasing redness, warmth, pain, or swelling in the breasts
- Shaking or chills
- Difficulty breathing
- Draining or oozing from the incision (aside from drains)
- Fever of 101°F or higher
In addition to these symptoms, you should watch for signs of capsular contracture. Some signs of capsular contracture include one breast softening significantly sooner than the other or breasts remaining firm and high on the chest for longer than six months.
Request a Consultation
To request a breast augmentation consultation, call Mountain Lake Plastic Surgery in Burlington, VT at (802) 231-4284 or contact us online.