Daxxify is a long-lasting neuromodulator designed for frown line treatment. At Mountain Lake Plastic Surgery, Dr. MacLennan is a Board-certified plastic surgeon who offers injectables like Daxxify for non-surgical facial rejuvenation.

What is Daxxify?

Daxxify is the newest botulinum toxin injectable that is FDA-approved for the treatment of facial wrinkles. This is an innovative product that could quickly gain popularity because of its lasting effects compared to other neuromodulators like Botox®. Botulinum toxin A smooths dynamic wrinkles by temporarily blocking nerve signals that cause muscle contractions. By preventing muscle contractions, fine lines and wrinkles cannot develop on the overlying skin.

Daxxify is a new type of neuromodulator that is made with a peptide-stabilized formula. This formula has been clinically proven to last six months for most patients. Some patients even saw results lasting up to nine months!

Am I a Candidate for Daxxify?

Healthy adults who want to smooth fine lines and wrinkles for a refreshed appearance can benefit from Daxxify. It is currently approved for the treatment of frown lines (glabellar lines between the brows) but off-label uses for crow’s feet and horizontal forehead lines have been proven safe and effective. Patients cannot have an allergy to botulinum toxin and their skin should be free of active acne, infections, and open wounds at the time of treatment.

What is the Daxxify Procedure Like?

Daxxify treatment is quick and minimally painful. A topical numbing agent can be applied at the start of treatment if desired but most patients find their injections to be relatively painless. Daxxify is injected with a fine gauge needle into the facial muscles. Injections only take a few minutes and patients can immediately return to work or their daily activities.

What is Recovery Like?

There is virtually no downtime or recovery after Daxxify injections. Mild swelling, bruising, and tenderness are common around the injection site but will reduce within a few days. Avoid strenuous activity and direct sun exposure to minimize swelling and prevent the product from spreading. Most patients see smoother skin and a significant reduction in wrinkles within 1-2 days after treatment, but it can take up to one week to see the full results of your treatment.


How Is Daxxify Different From Botox?

Daxxify produces results faster and lasts about twice as long at Botox. Some patients have even noticed that their wrinkles are smoother with Daxxify than with other injectables. Unlike Botox and other neuromodulators, Daxxify is formulated with stabilizing peptides. This is the main reason for its long-lasting effects.

Is Daxxify Safe?

Daxxify is FDA-approved and has received extensive testing in clinical trials to ensure its safety for almost all patients. There is a minimal risk of negative side effects. All cosmetic procedures come with some risks, although they are rare. Some of these rare but possible risks include excessive bleeding, eyelid drooping, headaches, and muscle weakness in the arms or legs.

Is Daxxify Better Than Botox?

Daxxify and Botox are both great wrinkle-reducing injectables, but Daxxify lasts longer so patients may prefer it. If you have never been treated with neuromodulators before or have been unhappy with previous neuromodulator treatments, Botox may be a better alternative because the effects are more short-lived.