This 52-year-old-woman was bothered by the fullness under her chin. She underwent submental liposuction and is seen pre op and 6 months post op.
Patient #13908
Patient #13908
Submental liposuction on this 45-year-old woman gave her improved definition between her chin and neck.
Patient #33790
Patient #33790
This 50-year-old woman was unhappy with her jowl and neck area. While she may have also benefitted from a facelift, she preferred a less invasive approach consisting of jowl and submental liposuction in the office under local anesthetic.
Liposuction 17
Liposuction 17
Liposuction 16
Liposuction 16
Liposuction 14
Liposuction 14
Liposuction 12
Liposuction 12
This healthy woman had liposuction of her neck and submental area under local anesthesia and is seen at 5 months post op.
Liposuction 11
Liposuction 11
This healthy woman was bothered by the fullness under her chin, even after she lost weight. After liposuction along her jawline and under her chin, the fullness under her chin is improved and the angle between her chin and neck is well-defined.